MEDIA SUBURBAN SCENE – Foreground, Middleground, Background

Students use crayons to create a suburban scene that gives the illusion of depth and can be used as a backdrop in a stop motion animation.

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MEDIA SUBURBAN SCENE – Foreground, Middleground, Background


  • Crayola Crayons
  • Crayola Marker & Watercolour Pad
  • Rulers
  • Erasers


Step 1
  1. Divide the paper in half horizontally.
  2. Divide the bottom half of the paper in half horizontally.
    - the space closest to the bottom of the paper is the foreground
    - the space in the middle of the paper is themiddle ground
    - the space closest to the top of the paper is thebackground
Step 2
  1. Draw a horizontal line for the foreground.
  2. Draw a horizontal line for the background.
  3. Draw a row of houses along this line.
  4. Let the bottom of 1 house be just below this line.
Step 3
  1. Combine organic shapes to create trees, bushes, rocks and gardens.
  2. Combine geometric shapes to create buildings, steps, windows and other details.
Step 4
  1. Use a pencil to lightly draw the scene.
  2. Combine shapes to add details to the houses.
  3. Draw trees and bushes in front of the houses.
  4. Make things closest to the viewer bigger and more detailed. ​
Step 5


  1. Use crayons to colour the picture.
  2. Colour the foreground with the brightest colours.
  3. Use 1 or 2 colours in each section.
  4. Gradually change your drawing pressure to make the colour go from dark to light to give the illusion of depth.

Step 6


  1. Draw lots of organic shapes for trees, bushes and plants.
  2. Overlap shapes to show depth.
  3. Place them so they move your eye in and around the space.
  4. Use crayons to colour the scene.
  5. Add lots of textures.
  6. Colour the foreground with the brightest colours.
  7. Layer several colours in each section.
  8. Gradually change your drawing pressure to make the colour go from dark to light to give the illusion of depth.
Illustrated Crayon Character