- Crayola Oil Pastels - 16 Colours
- Crayola Tempera Paint
- Crayola Paint Brushes
- Crayola Glue Sticks
- Crayola Scissors
- Round Headed Fasteners - 1 per student
- Plastic Container Lids - 2 per student
- Water Containers
- Paper Towels
- Magazines
- Cardstock Paper - White - 21.6 cm x 27.9 cm (8.5" x 11") - 1 piece per student

- Use oil pastels to colour the small inner shapes of the wheel on the template.
- primary colours - red, blue, yellow
- secondary colours - orange, violet, green
- tertiary colours - red-orange, yellow-orange; blue-green, yellow-green; red-violet, blue-violet

- Mix tempera paint to colour the outer shapes of the wheel.
- Take a very small amount of 2 primary colours to start.
- Put the paint on a plastic lid.
- Paint a primary colour in two of the large circles.
- Mix the secondary colour to match the oil pastel colour between the two primary colours you painted.
- Mix the tertiary colours to match the oil pastel colours between the primary colours and the secondary colour.

- Use a second plastic lid for the rest of your colours.
- Make sure you get clean water and wash your brush before you start.
- Put the third primary colour plus one of the others on the new lid.
- Work from both lids to mix the remaining colours in the wheel.
- Each time you start mixing a new pair of primaries start with clean water and a clean brush.

- Choose a theme.
- Find pictures in magazines to match the theme in the colours of your wheel.
- Fill the inside space with pictures in colours that match the outside colours.
- Glue the pictures down flat and smooth.

- Cut out the spinner at the bottom of the template.
- Attach it to the centre of the colour wheel with a paper fastener.
- Use it to find complementary colours.
Grade 4,
Grade 5,
Grade 6,
Grade 7,
Grade 8,
Grade 9,
Grade 10