TYPEFACE – Alliteration, Colour, Shape

Students respond to the illustrations and alliteration in the book Walter Was Worried, by Laura Vaccaro Seeger, and then use what they have learned to paint a portrait that uses letters for the features of the face.

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TYPEFACE – Alliteration, Colour, Shape


  • Crayola Marker & Watercolour Paper - 22.9 cm x 30.5 cm (9" x 12")
  • Crayola Paint Brushes
  • Crayola Washable Paint
  • Water Containers
  • Plastic Placemats - 1 per student
  • Masking Tape
  • Paper Towels
  • Pencils
  • Plastic Container Lids for Palettes


Step 1


  1. Tape the paper to a plastic placemat.
  2. Make sure the tape is straight and runs parallel to the outer edges of the paper.
  3. Fill the space with colour.
  4. Mix colours together on the paper.
  5. Use bold, loose brushstrokes.
  6. Let Laura Vaccaro Seeger's style influence the way you paint.
  7. Set the paper aside to dry.
Step 2


  1. Tape the paper to a plastic placemat.
  2. Make sure the tape is straight and runs parallel to the outer edges of the paper.
  3. Paint the head and neck.
  4. Make sure it fills the page.
  5. Let Laura Vaccaro Seeger's style influence the way you paint it.
  6. Set the paper aside to dry.
Step 3
  1. Choose your word.
  2. Make sure it describes an emotion.
  3. Make sure to use alliteration – words that have the same sound at the beginning.
  4. Plan how you will use the letters for the features of the face.
Step 4
  1. Draw the words on the text page.
  2. Paint the letters using the same colours you plan to use on the face.
Step 5
  1. Paint the letters on the face.
  2. Make sure you use the same shape and colour for the letters as you did on the text page.
Step 6
  1. Gently remove the tape from both paintings.
  2. Glue them beside each other on a piece of construction paper.
Illustrated Crayon Character