- Crayola Washable Paint
- Crayola Marker & Watercolour Paper - 22.9 cm x 30.5 cm (9" x 12")
- Styrofoam Tray or Scratch-Foam Boards - 15.2 cm x 22.9 cm (6" x 9") - 1 ½ per student
- Ball Point Pens - 1 per student
- Soft Paint Rollers
- Plastic Trays
- Old Magazines
- Paper Towels

- Make 4 practice drawings of dinosaurs and plants.
- Choose the one you like the best for your print.

- Draw into the Styrofoam using a ball point pen.
- Add more details, lines and dots to create texture and pattern.
- This is your printing plate.

- Place 2 magazines beside each other.
- One will be for rolling the paint on your Styrofoam plate.
- The other will be for making the print. - Place the Styrofoam plate on a page of one of the open magazines.
- Place a piece of paper on a page of the other open magazine.
- Pour 2 primary colours of paint into a plastic tray.

- Gently roll the soft roller into the paint to mix a new colour.
- Cover the roller with paint.

- Gently lift the inked plate off the magazine page.
- Place the inked Styrofoam plate face down on the printing paper.
- Turn the clean magazine page onto the back of the inked plate.

- Roll a printmaking brayer over the magazine page that is covering the Styrofoam plate.
- or you can rub your hands over the page
- press hard over the entire plate - This will transfer the paint to the paper.

- Turn the magazine page back.
- Gently lift the Styrofoam plate off the printing paper to see your print.
- Place it in a safe place to dry.

- A motif is a design or shape that may be repeated in a work for decoration or to help tell a story.
- Make a smaller design of a dinosaur motif to help tell your story.
- Print the small motif on each end of your big print to complete your illustration.
Language Arts,
Visual Arts
Grade 1,
Grade 2,
Grade 3