- Crayola Acrylic Paint - 6 Count
- Crayola Paint Brushes
- Crayola Marker & Watercolour Paper - 22.9 cm x 30.5 cm (9" x 12")
- Water Containers - 1 per student
- Paper Towels
- Masking Tape
- Plastic Place Mats - 1 per student

- Use the worksheet to carefully examine the painting, Afterglow, by Florence McGillivray.
- What do you notice about the colours?
- Describe what she does with colours, for example, the number of colours in the sky.
- What kind of brushstrokes does she use? How do you think she uses the brush?
- How has she composed the picture?
- How would you describe it in mathematical terms, for example, geometric shapes, fractions, horizontal, vertical?
- How has she used line and pattern in the painting?
- How does her use of line affect the overall feeling in the painting?

- Fold a piece of paper into quarters.
- Cut a viewfinder out of a small piece of paper about 6 cm x 9 cm.
- Place the viewfinder over one section of the painting.
- Paint what you see paying attention to how Florence McGillivray used colour, texture and brushstrokes, for example,
- flat, textured brushstrokes
- layering tints and shades of one colour
- making shapes and outlining them with loose, organic lines
- layering contrasting colours on top of each other - Move the viewfinder to a new section of the painting and paint what you see.
- Repeat this until you have done something different in all 4 sections of the paper.

- Choose a photograph of a place that is special to you, for example, the beach near your grandmother's house.
- Make several thumbnail sketches of the scene, organizing the space so that it has one third sky, one third middle ground and one third foreground.
- Use your device to crop the composition in various ways.
- Follow the rule of thirds to place vertical objects in the composition.
- Choose the composition you like the best.

- Tape the paper to a plastic placemat.
- Make sure the tape is straight and runs parallel to the outer edges of the paper.
- Let Florence McGillivray's style influence the way you paint the scene.

- From time to time view the painting from a distance so you can see it with fresh eyes.
- When you are happy with everything, gently remove the tape.
Language Arts,
Social Studies,
Visual Arts
Grade 4,
Grade 5,
Grade 6,
Grade 7,
Grade 8,
Grade 9