- Crayola Markers
- Crayola Scissors
- Crayola Glue Sticks
- Crayola Crayons - 24 colours
- Crayola Sketch Books
- Pencils
- Copy Paper - 21.6 cm x 27.9 cm (8.5" x 11) - 2 pieces per student

Use lines to express feelings, for example, instead of using the word 'angry' draw something that stands for angry – the way angry feels to you. This is called an ANALOG. Only use lines. Do NOT draw a picture.
- Divide a sketchbook page into 6 boxes.
- Write one of the following words at the bottom of each box:
- Angry
- Happy
- Afraid
- Sad
- Calm
- Love - Start with one of the boxes, for example, Angry:
- Close your eyes.
- Try to remember the last time you felt really angry.
- Feel it.
- Let that feeling grow inside you.
- Let it flow up into your arm and into your pencil.
- When you are ready, open your eyes.
- Make some lines in the box to show what this feeling looks like for you. - Do the same thing for each of the other boxes.
- Share your drawings with 2 other people.
- What do you notice about the drawings?
- How are your drawings the same as the others?
- How are they different?

- Work with a partner.
- Use your devices to take photographs of each other against a light background.
- Resize your photo to 21.6 cm x 27.9 cm (8.5" x 11") and convert it to Grayscale.
- Use a photo editing software such as Photoshop to posterize the photo.
- Print a copy of the photo.

- Trace the outline of your photo onto another piece of paper the same size.
- Divide the head area into 6 sections - 1 for each emotion.
- Make an analog design for each emotion as it feelsto you - 1 for each section.
- Turn the drawings into designs of shapes and lines.

- Use crayons to colour your designs.
- Choose colours that match the emotions.
- Blend several shades of a colour.
- Vary the pressure as you colour.

- Create a design in the white background of your photo that expresses your energy and personality.
- When you are satisfied with your work fold the photo in half, long end to long end.
- Cut your photo in half along the fold.
- Make crisp folds about 1.5 cm (.5") in along each outside long edge.

- Apply glue along the back of one of the folds.
- Place the photo half on top of the design drawing.
- Line up the edges so they match the traced outline of your photo.
- Press the paper in place so it opens like a window.
- Repeat for the other side.
- Create a design that includes the names of the 6 emotions on the inside white flaps.

- Place your self-portrait at a distance.
- View it with fresh eyes.
- How do the colours and designs communicate ideas about emotions?
- How does this work make you feel?
- What did you learn about your own feelings?
- What do you like best about your work? Why?
Grade 5,
Grade 6,
Grade 7,
Grade 8,
Grade 9