- Crayola Scissors
- Crayola Construction Paper - 30.5 cm x 45.7 cm (12" x 18") - 1 per student
- Crayola Fine Line Markers - 12 Count
- Crayola Construction Paper Crayons or Crayola Coloured Pencils
- Pencils
- Rulers

- Fold the paper into 8 boxes.
- Fold it in half twice, widthwise (short end to short end).
- Open it up and fold it in half lengthwise (long end to long end).

- Place the paper on the desk in the landscape position.
- There should be 4 boxes above the horizontal fold, and 4 boxes below it.
- Draw an 'X' from one corner to the other on the 2nd box from the left ABOVE the horizontal fold.
- Draw an 'X' from one corner to the other on the 3rd box from the left BELOW the horizontal fold.

- Use the 'X' lines as guides.
- Draw a triangle with the base on the horizontal fold in both boxes.
- Erase the rest of the 'X' lines.
- There should be a zigzag line in the middle of the paper.

- Fold the paper in half widthwise (short end to short end).
- Make a small cut in the corner of the paper at the end of the line so you can insert your scissors.

- Open up the paper and carefully insert your scissors.
- Cut along the zigzag line.

- Fold the paper in half lengthwise (long end to long end).
- Hold the edges of the paper and push towards the centre until you see a box formed.
- Keep pushing until all the pages line up.

- Flatten the paper and fold it in half to make the book.

- Use construction paper crayons to colour the inside and the outside of the house.
- draw lots of story details
- include 3 architectural details
- blend colours by colouring one over another
- create shadows using grey and violets
- create contrast by putting light colours beside dark colours
- create lights where light is falling, and shadows in the corners

- Use a pencil to draw lines on the blank pages.
- Use a fine tip marker to write your story.
- Be careful to keep the pages in the correct order.

- Fold the book together.
- View the book from all angles, inside and outside.
Grade 2,
Grade 3,
Grade 4,
Grade 5,
Grade 6