- Crayola Tempera Paint
- Crayola Paint Brushes
- Crayola Marker & Watercolour Paper - 22.9 cm x 30.5 cm (9" x 12")
- Water Containers
- Paper Towels
- Plastic Container Lids for Palettes
- Pencils

- Begin by lightly drawing a sea creature the full length of your paper.
- Divide the body into 7 or 8 equal parts.
- Draw a horizontal line across the length of the creature to divide it in half.
- Choose a primary colour for one half of your creature.
- You will be making a scale that shows tints of the colour going in gradual steps from light to dark.
- Each section counts as 1 step.
- Start by painting the first section white.

- Mix a tiny amount of the colour, for example blue, into the white.
- Always add small amounts of the colour to white – it takes hardly any colour to change white to a tint.

- Paint each section a tint of the colour.
- Gradually add a little more colour to the tint you just mixed for the next step until you get to the end.
- Paint the last step the colour with no white added.

- Place a small amount of white on one side of the palette and a small amount of black on the other side.

- Repeat the same process for the other half of your creature.
- This time use only black and white to make gradual steps of grey.
- Try to match the values of the grey with the values of the colour it is beside.

- Choose a complementary colour for the background.
- In this example orange is the complement of blue.
- Red and yellow were mixed to make orange. - Mix tints and shades of the complementary colour and use them to fill the background in an interesting way.
Language Arts,
Visual Arts
Grade 4,
Grade 5,
Grade 6