Students create a small never-ending card that shows them at three stages of life – the past when they were a baby, the present, and the future, when they will be an adult. They practice folding the card smoothly through the 3 images and then use it for storytelling.

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  • Crayola Coloured Pencils
  • Crayola Fine Line Markers
  • Crayola Crayons
  • Rulers
  • Cardstock Paper - 11 cm x 14 cm (4.25" x 5.5")
  • Box Cutter - Teacher Use


Step 1
  1. Draw an 'X' from one corner of the paper to the other.

Step 2
  1. Fold all 4 sides of the paper into the centre of the 'X'.
  2. Make sure the outer edges of each side of the paper line up with the centre of the 'X'.
Step 3
  1. Turn the paper over so the 'X' is facing down.
  2. Draw picture #1 on the side that does NOT have the 'X' on it.
  3. Use lots of colour and pattern to fill in the whole space.
  4. This drawing should be of you as a baby.
Step 4
  1. Turn the paper over so the drawing is facing down.
  2. Place it on a cutting board and make sure the 'X' is facing up.
  3. Use a box cutter and a ruler to cut along the 'X' that is inside the small rectangle formed by the 4 folds.
Step 5
  1. Hold the card with the picture facing you.
  2. Gently fold the top edge down towards you. Be sure the little cut triangle pops up.
  3. Fold the bottom edge up towards you. Be sure the little cut triangle pops down.
  4. Flatten the paper and draw on this new space.
  5. This picture should be of you as you are now.
  6. Add details that tell something about you.
Step 6
  1. Hold the card with the new picture facing you.
  2. Fold the side flaps into the centre.
  3. Make sure the little triangles pop out to the side.
  4. Flatten this space.
  5. Colour your last picture in this new space.
  6. This picture should be of you in the future.
  7. Notice how the top and bottom of picture number 2 and picture number 3 are the same.
Step 7
  1. Practice moving smoothly from one picture to the next.
  2. Begin by doing it with the card facing you.
  3. Once you are good at that, practice with the card facing an audience.
  4. Repeat the folds over and over again while you tell a short story to go along with the changes.
  • Subjects:

    • Grades:

      • Grade 1,

      • Grade 2,

      • Grade 3,

      • Grade 4,

      • Grade 5,

      • Grade 6,

      • Grade 7,

      • Grade 8

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