- Crayola Marker & Watercolour Pad
- Crayola Coloured Pencils
- Pencils
- Erasers

- Lightly draw 3 horizontal guide lines across the paper to divide it into thirds.

- Draw a wavy line that goes along and just under the bottom guide line.
- Lightly draw some organic shapes for rocks and plants in this bottom section - the foreground
- Place them so they move your eye in and around the space.

- Draw a wavy line that goes along and just over and under the middle guide line.
- Draw a wavy line about 3 cm above the foreground line.
- Erase the guide lines.
- Draw a few organic shapes for rocks and plants in this section - the middle ground.
- Place them so they move your eye in and around the space.
- Draw small circles for bubbles to suggest movement.

- Use coloured pencils to colour the picture.
- Colour the foreground with the brightest colours, e.g., oranges, yellows, greens and browns to show the bottom of the sea.
- Use 1 or 2 colours in each section.
- Gradually change your drawing pressure to make the colour go from dark to light to give the illusion of depth.
- Let the colour of the water get lighter and lighter as you get closer to the top of the paper.

- Draw lots of organic shapes for rocks, plants and textures.
- Place them so they move your eye in and around the space.
- Draw small circles for bubbles to suggest movement.
- Colour the foreground with the brightest colours, e.g., oranges, yellows, greens and browns to show the bottom of the sea.
- Layer several colours in each section.
- Use different colours of blue for the water.
- Gradually change your drawing pressure to make the colour go from dark to light to give the illusion of depth.
- Use an eraser to remove some of the colour to show light passing through the water and highlights on the sand.
Grade 3,
Grade 4,
Grade 5,
Grade 6,
Grade 7,
Grade 8