EXPLORING PAPER – Making Paper 3-Dimensional

Students work with a variety of basic paper sculpture techniques to make a sampler, and use the sampler as inspiration for creative writing.

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EXPLORING PAPER – Making Paper 3-Dimensional


  • Crayola Construction Paper - 22.9 cm x 30.5 cm (9" x 12") - variety of colours
  • Crayola Glue Sticks
  • Crayola Scissors
  • Pencils


Step 1


  1. Cut a piece of paper about 6 cm x 9 cm (2.5" x 3.5).
  2. Make a row of small cuts at right angles to the edge and parallel to each other along one long edge of the paper.
  3. Layer fringed paper to add texture and interest to your work.
Step 2

CURL - 1

  1. Cut a long strip of paper.
  2. Wrap one end around a pencil and roll it to the other end.
  3. Remove the paper from the pencil and allow it to spring open.
Step 3

CURL - 2

  1. Another way to curl paper is to use scissors.
  2. Hold the paper in one hand.
  3. Place the flat edge of the blade of a scissors under the strip of paper you want to curl.
  4. Place your thumb on top of the paper and hold it in place while you gently pull the blade of the scissors away from you.
  5. Do this several times to curl the paper.
Step 4


  1. Start with a circle.
  2. Begin cutting into the edge of the circle and slowly cut around and around following the shape of the outer edge of the circle.
  3. Gently pull out each end of the paper to extend the spiral.
  4. You can use this technique on any shape as long as you cut around and around following the shape of the outer edge of the object.
Step 5


  1. Fold the edge of the paper in one direction, then fold it in the opposite direction back and forth until you get to the end of the paper.
  2. Make sure each fold is the same width.
  3. Gently unfold the paper.
Step 6


  1. Start with a rectangle or a square.
  2. Apply glue to one edge.
  3. Roll the paper into a tube.
  4. Press the two outer edges together to fasten them.
Step 7


  1. Cut out a half circle.
  2. Hold the shape with the straight side facing up.
Step 8
  1. Curve the ends closest to the straight side towards yourself, and then over each other.
  2. Adjust the size of the cone by wrapping it more or less tightly.
  3. Glue the edges together to hold it in place.
Step 9


  1. Cut 2 straight strips of paper the same size and length.
  2. Place the end of one strip on top of the end of the other strip so they form a right angle.
  3. Glue the strips together.
Step 10
  1. Fold the lower paper strip over the top one.
  2. Now fold the new lower paper strip over the top one.
  3. Keep folding the lower paper strip over the top one until you reach the end of the paper strips.
  4. Glue the last paper fold in place.
  5. Gently pull the folded spring to see how far it will expand.
Step 11


  1. Cut out a circle.
  2. Use the tip of your scissors to scratch a smaller circle inside the paper circle.
    - This is called scoring the paper.
  3. Let the outer edge of the circle be your guide.
  4. Cut a straight line into the centre of the circle.

Step 12
  1. Gently fold the paper away from the scored line.
  2. At the same time overlap the cut ends.
  3. Glue the ends in place.
  4. View the paper from both sides.
  5. Repeat this process with more circles,
    - score the first circle on one side of the paper,
    - score the second circle on the opposite side of the paper.
Step 13


  1. Cut 2 pieces of paper the same size.
  2. Hold the papers together and make a cut about half way up the centre of both papers.
  3. Turn one of the papers in the opposite direction so one cut is facing up and the other is facing down.
  4. Slide the papers together.
Step 14


  1. Make small cuts along the base of a form to create tabs.
  2. Fold the tabs out so they are at right angles to the base.
  3. Put glue on the tabs to fasten the form to another surface.
Step 15
  1. Create a sampler that shows 6 different techniques.
  2. Make sure the forms move your eye throughout the space.
  • Subjects:

    • Grades:

      • Grade 1,

      • Grade 2,

      • Grade 3,

      • Grade 4,

      • Grade 5,

      • Grade 6,

      • Grade 7,

      • Grade 8

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