AMAZING MAZE – Space, Colour, Contrast

Students draw a maze using one-point perspective and contrasting colours to create the illusion of depth.

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AMAZING MAZE – Space, Colour, Contrast


  • Crayola Twistables Coloured Pencils - 24 Count
  • Crayola Marker & Watercolour Paper - 22.9 cm x 30.5 cm (9" x 12")
  • Crayola Sketchbooks - 1 per student
  • Pencils
  • Rulers
  • Erasers


Step 1
  1. Draw a rectangle.
  2. Mark a vanishing point - VP.
  3. Draw diagonal guidelines from each corner of the rectangle to the vanishing point.
    - these are called orthogonal lines
  4. Draw the receding lines along the guidelines.
  5. Use the guidelines to determine the width and height of the ends of the cuboid.
  6. Draw the ends of the cuboid using horizontal and vertical lines.
Step 2
  1. Draw at least 6 cuboids.
  2. Notice how the face you see changes depending on where the cuboid is in relation to the vanishing point.
Step 3
  1. Experiment with some ideas for your maze.
  2. Imagine you are small enough to walk through the drawing.
Step 4
  1. Draw your good copy.
  2. Make sure to line up all receding lines with the vanishing point.
  3. Carefully erase all the guide lines.
Step 5
  1. Choose 3 colours.
    - one light
    - one medium
    - one dark.
  2. Colour the drawing with a light source in mind.
  • Subjects:

    • Language Arts,

    • Mathematics,

    • Visual Arts

  • Grades:

    • Grade 6,

    • Grade 7,

    • Grade 8,

    • Grade 9

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