- Crayola Model Magic - Assorted Colours
- Crayola Glitter Glue
- Crayola Acrylic Paint - 6 Count
- Crayola Paintbrushes - 5 Count
- Small Recycled Gift Box
- Embellishments and Found Objects
- Water Containers
- Paper Towels
- Toothpicks

- Build a short sculpture out of Model Magic.
- Make sure the sculpture is in proportion to the size of the box, not too big and not too small.

- Paint your box with acrylic paint.
- Make sure your design connects with the sculpture and something that is importamt to you.
- Add accents with Crayola Glitter Glue.

- Glue your sculpture onto the lid of the painted box with Crayola Washable No-Run School Glue.
- Add details and embellishments to make the gift box special and unique.
- View the finished box with fresh eyes.
- How does it reflect something that is important to you?
- What do you like best about the box? Why?
- What will the person you are giving it to like best about it? Why?
Language Arts,
Social Studies,
Visual Arts
Grade 7,
Grade 8,
Grade 9