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Because Crayola Marker components are securely sealed during the manufacturing process, we don’t recommend trying to remove the marker nib and reservoir to recycle the barrel. The marker caps can be recycled at facilities that accept #5 plastic. 

Green is more than just a colour to us! Click here to learn more about Crayola’s sustainability initiatives.

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Crayola Crayons are made primarily from paraffin wax and colour pigment. Paraffin wax is made especially for Crayola by companies who extract it from products like wood and coal. Pigments come from various sources. They can be natural or man made substances. Pigments can be found in the earth, minerals and/​or made in laboratories. These raw materials are purchased from outside suppliers and are stored in our warehouse awaiting production. All of our raw materials are delivered by truck with the exception of paraffin wax, which is delivered in railroad cars. Further information is considered proprietary. If you need more information, please call us at (800) 2729652 weekdays between 9 AM and 4 PM Eastern Time. A representative will be happy to assist you.
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Crayola products are typically sold through a network of distributors and retail stores. For information on direct purchasing requirements in Canada, please check out our Wholesale Purchasing page. 

To export products internationally, please contact the appropriate international office for assistance.

Crayola does not authorize resellers in any online marketplace.

If you have additional questions, we would love to hear from you! Feel free to call or text us at 18002729652 weekdays between 9 AM and 4 PM Eastern Time. If you would prefer to send us an email, visit our contact uspage.

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Throughout Crayola’s history, several crayon colours have been retired, marking significant moments in the evolution of our vibrant palette. 

For the first time in Crayola history eight colours were retired and placed in the Crayola Hall of Fame: blue gray, green blue, lemon yellow, maize, orange red, orange yellow, raw umber, and violet blue. 

Eight new colours were added: cerulean, dandelion, fuchsia, jungle green, royal purple, teal blue, vivid tangerine, and wild strawberry. 

Celebrating a century of bringing colour to the world, Crayola introduced four new colours named by Crayola fans! To make room for the new hues, we bid farewell to blizzard blue, magic mint, mulberry, and teal blue. 

The four new colours that were introduced are: inchworm, jazzberry jam, mango tango, and wild blue yonder. 

Kudos to our hue heroes – the consumers who voted in the Save the Shade” campaign, ensuring burnt sienna stayed in the pack. 

To mark National Crayon Day on March 31st, we announced Dandelion was leaving the pack. To honor this iconic colour, we sent Dandelion on a retirement tour to his favorite places. His replacement, Bluetiful, was announced on May 52017.

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While we are unable to send free CRAYOLA product samples, we encourage you to become a registered user of the Cray​ola​.com web site at http://www2.crayola.com/registration/index.cfm?referer=/index.cfm”>http://www.crayola.com/registration/index.cfm?referer=/index.cfm. There you can register to receive a monthly newsletter from us announcing new site features, promotions, events and other news!
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Unlabeled CRAYOLA Crayons have been discontinued. The 16-count box of assorted colours were sold through educational supply retailers and wholesalers. To locate a teacher/​educational supply store near you which may have inventory, please check your local yellow pages under school supplies” or you may wish to check with these suppliers: Blick Art Materials (800) 4478192 or on-line at http://​www​.dick​blick​.com Nasco Arts ; Crafts (800) 5589595 or on-line at http://​www​.enasco​.com Art Supply Wholesale (800) 4622420 or on-line at http://​allart​sup​plies​.com

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Crayola Canada’s community relations program supports non-profit organizations located across Canada, with an emphasis on the arts and education.

How To Apply

Requests for donations must be submitted on your organization’s letterhead with your contact information by email, fax, or mail. If sending your request by email, you will receive an automatic reply acknowledging that your email has been received. If you do not receive this confirmation within 5 business days, please call Amanda Pascoe at Crayola Canada. 

Phone Number: 17052124399

Mailing Address:

Crayola Canada
Donations Department
P.O. Box 120
15 Mary St. West
Lindsay, Ontario
K9V 4R8
Attn: Amanda Pascoe

What To Include

We ask that you include the following required information in your letter:

  • Date of your event
  • If you require confirmation earlier than one month prior to your event, please provide us with a time frame needed to receive a response.
  • Details of your event
  • Shipping Address
  • Telephone and fax number, if we need to contact you
  • Contact person’s name, phone or fax number, and email address
  • What you would like to receive – i.e., door prize, art supplies for craft area, etc.

Please be advised that it may take up to three weeks for your request to be reviewed. Only organizations selected to receive a donation will be contacted.

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CRAYOLA Portfolio Series products are generally used by adults and older children because of their permanence. This product line offers the quality of professional art materials without the professional prices. Portfolio Series products include Acrylic Paints and Water-Soluble Oil Pastels. 

Portfolio Series products are typically found at teacher/​educational suppliers. To locate a teacher/​educational supply store near you, please check your local yellow pages under school supplies. 

Below please find some educational suppliers: 

Blick Art Materials (800) 4478192 or online at http://​www​.dick​blick​.com

Nasco Arts ; Crafts (800) 5589595 or online at http://​www​.enasco​.com

Art Supply Wholesale (800) 4622420 or online atv http://​allart​sup​plies​.com

John R. Green Co. (800) 3549737 or online at http://​www​.john​r​green​co​.com

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