My Crayola product has a white powder on it. What is this and is it safe?

The powdery deposit you may see on the surface of your Crayola product is called bloom. This occurs naturally and is perfectly safe. 

Bloom appears on Crayola wax-based products, such as crayons and coloured pencils. It occurs when oil contained in the paraffin wax used in these products seeps to the surface and re-crystallizes into a milky powder. You may also see this with sculptures made with Crayola Air-Dry Clay as the product ages or is exposed to varying temperatures and humidity. Rest assured, this process is harmless, and the powdery substance and crystallization do not affect the quality or performance of the product. Remove by gently wiping away with a dry cloth. 

If you have additional questions, we want to hear from you! Feel free to send us an email, call, or text us at 18002729652 on weekdays between 9 AM and 4 PM Eastern Time. Text charges may apply. 

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Crayola is the manufacturer of high quality creative experience products and fine artist materials, marketed primarily under the Crayola and Silly Putty brand names. Our business is diversified in order to broaden our consumer base to encompass various age groups. Our business is divided into three major categories: 1.Products sold to retail stores through traditional distribution chains. 2.Products sold to schools, educational distributors, office supply retailers and specialty markets. 3.Products sold overseas through our international division. Each of our three major divisions develops strategies for approaching a certain market based on the target user or purchaser, where the product is sold and the location of the product in the retail store. We are sorry to disappoint you, however, we are unable to provide specific information regarding our marketing strategies and advertising practices due to its proprietary nature. Additional media and marketing information can be found by visiting Media Center.

Get the best results with these tips for cleaning your Scribble Scrubbies Pets.

Scrub Under Running Water: 

  • Gently scrub your pet under running water after play. Use the scrub brush to help release the marker inks from the tiny fibers (flocking). Do not wash your Scribble Scrubbie Pets in the dishwasher or bathtub.

Allow to Dry:

  • Allow your pets to dry before a second use. Colouring on damp pets can cause the ink to wick under the fibers, making the colour harder to rinse away. Let your pet air dry before storing it.

Soaking for Stubborn Stains: 

  • If colours persist after scrubbing under running water or have been on your pet for several days, consider soaking it in water for 20 minutes. For stubborn stains, an overnight soak may be necessary.

Additional Tips: 

  • Fresh colouring is easier to clean. Soap has little effect on cleaning your pets. Fresh colouring typically requires a rinse under the faucet, while concentrated colouring may require light scrubbing under a faucet or an overnight soak.

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Need Further Assistance?

  • We’re here for you! Call or text us at 18002729652 on weekdays between 9 AM and 4 PM Eastern Time.